After 14 inches of rain in 13 days, beginning with a downpour that dumped 2 inches in 15 minutes, the garden is sporting so much storm damage that the Open Garden has been cancelled for this year. A lot of gravel from the drive has washed down though the garden, and new gutters through the beds are quite substantial in places.

Luckily this sort of thing does not happen very often - in fact in 20 years I cannot remember so much damage. The surprising thing is that the overall look of the garden is still good - it is only when you get up close that you notice the harm. We are feeling a bit demoralised and lacking in motivation, so it will take a while for us to fix it all up again. In fact, we are considering the pros and cons of taking Biandar off the market while we get the garden back up to scratch.
Here are some photos. The gutters do not show up very well, but they are about 20 -30 cm deep in places.

Biandar is for sale.
See our website.